Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Patience it is!

     Well, I think I have figured out one of the things God is trying to teach me right now. Patience. As many of you know, that's not my strong suit. Which is quite interesting if you know my parents. They just might be the most patient people alive. Don't know how I missed that gene, but boy I wished I hadn't. I would  classify myself as a laid back type A personality:) I know, I know, those are polar opposites. But.... that's me. At times I can be very go with the flow with no opinion what so ever and all of the rest of the time I like things done on time and in a timely manner. Everything in it's place and a place for everything. Seems like the older I get the more I am the latter. So... that brings me to the current situation. Yesterday was supposed to be our final meeting with our case worker and finalize all paper work etc. Without going into detail, that did not happen. There is more paper work and finalizing to happen that is out of our control. So it looks like we will continue to wait. I have been told by many people during this process that God is teaching us lessons, but why oh why do I have to be patient when there are so many children waiting for families? (That's what I tell myself of course) As I sit here and type, I see on my bedside table, a reminder scripture taped to my lamp."Be still and know that I am God". Moments like now are exactly why I have it taped to my lamp. I need to rest in Him. So many nights I am unable to rest. So many nights I need to rest in Him. He calls us to come to Him when we are burdened, and He will give us rest. Why am I so stubbon in learning? He is the only one who knows the plans He has for me. So I will rest tonight knowing that  He is God, and be thankful that He is patient with me.


  1. Because you are human! Tape them everywhere :) Your comment about your parents made me laugh out loud! I think we both got my mom's genes :) b/c I sure didn't get my dad's! Love to you today!

  2. I do have them everywhere! I am sure our case worker thinks I'm crazy! Lol about your parents! Oh the stories we could tell! Perhaps a shared blog!
